Abu Dees Village
Location: Located east of Jerusalem, 4 km away.
Its land area: 30000 dunums.
The surrounding villages: El-Tur, El-Eizariya, Silwan, Sur Baher.
The most important characteristic of the village: The village is located on ten ruins: Abu Saad, Umm al-Jamal, Khuraib, Abu al-Thuran, Abu Huwailan, Umm Obaid, Abu al-Sawan, Al-Ragabni, Hawthurah, by the "Salah al-Din Mosque", which is based on the place where the soldiers were sitting and sleeping, the king Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi was setting there. Colonies built on it: colony (Maale Adumim).
The most famous of its families are: Al-Bawaba, Salah, Qurei, Awwad, Qasim, Dandan, Sheikh Ali, Mohsen, Abufasisia, Alian, Hajj Hassan, Nawafalah and Hadidoon.